Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two Beautiful Moments Collide

Two of my favorite times in a day are the last few moments of night and the first few moments of a snow storm. At the end of night, there is a magical instance where the world, if only for a moment, seems to stand completely still. It is as if mother nature is holding her breath, bracing herself for the incredible break of dawn. For as long as I can remember, after hitting a certain point of insomnia in the night, I would always try and stay up to experience that poetic, ephemeral moment in the day.

The beginning of a snow storm is quite the opposite, yet equally as noteworthy. All of the anticipation of the storm and tension in the air is suddenly released in an abrupt cascade of angelic, fluttering flakes. Both of these moments are often overlooked. So, this past Friday, when they occurred simultaneously, I grabbed my camera, and headed out into the cold night, to try and capture the beauty. These are a few examples of what I found...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Two Roads Diverge In The Wood And We...

With it reaching almost 50 degrees yesterday in Upstate New York, it was definitely an occasion to get out of the house and make some photographs with Ashley. We hopped in my car with a new playlist, several cameras and a sense of adventure and just started driving. As usual on these "photo adventures" we were looking for the road LEAST traveled by. We found some really amazing things out by the Massachusetts border.

Traveling down this icy logging trail we were hoping to spot a Moose. We never found one, but we did find some incredible things. We found random fences that seemed to serve no purpose, beautiful streams flowing down the hillsides, and a random farm house in the woods that was burned to the ground. Here are a few pictures...

Don't get me wrong, I love working in advertising and doing commercial graphic design work all day. However, being able to escape into the woods on the weekend definitely helps keep me level. Wandering around and hunting for the perfect shot is one of my favorite forms of art.

What do you do outside of work to stay sane?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This is what I've been busy doing...

I designed this ad at work today. My new job is awesome, I get to work with art and cars ALL DAY! At the same time I've been REALLY busy. Now that I'm starting to settle in, I'm hoping to start blogging more...